[vtkusers] Remesh vtkpolydata

David Doria daviddoria+vtk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 17:45:34 EST 2009

On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 9:57 AM,  <Stefan.Daenzer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking into vtkPCAAnalysisFilter to do PCA Analysis of a couple of
> training shapes. The training shapes for the vtkPCAAnalysisFilter are
> supposed to have 1-to-1 correspondence among surface points. I was wondering
> if there is a filter in VTK which takes several vtkpolydata objects (without
> 1-to-1 correspondence) as input and generates shapes with corresponding
> points.
> regards,
> Stefan

Short answer - no, not that I know of.

You can use vtkKdTreePointLocator to find closest points - here is an example:

If you could demonstrate vtkPCAAnalysisFilter here:

that would be much appreciated :)

It seems to me there would be a lot of heuristics involved with taking
two point sets and finding a 1-to-1 correspondence. When would a point
not have a corresponding point? When there is no point in the other
set close enough? When the closest point in the other set has already
been assigned to correspond to a different point? Do you have any
papers that describe a method to do this? Or did you have an algorithm
in mind?



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