[vtkusers] polygon with a hole?

Dean Inglis dean.inglis at camris.ca
Thu Nov 6 17:21:20 EST 2008

thanks very much, I was about to do it the hard way!
vtkUsers rock!


Look at Examples/Modelling/constrainedDelaunay.xx in either Python or Tcl.
Uses the vtkDelaunay2D filter.


>>> "Dean Inglis" <dean.inglis at sympatico.ca> 11/06/08 3:57 PM >>>
is anyone aware of a vtk filter or sequence of vtk filters that would

take a pair of concentric contours (vtkPolyData) and form a ring

shaped polygon? ie, an outer contour and an inner contour that

form a washer like shape.  vtkPolygon does not allow holes, so I

am looking for a triangulation of the space between the two contours.





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