[vtkusers] about vtkInputPort.h

guachong133 guachong133 at 163.com
Tue May 27 06:32:25 EDT 2008

I have met a problem with studying the VTK example "PipelineParallelism.cxx".
I complied it using CMAKE and opened in visual .net 2003,and when building the resolution, a message "can't find vtkInputPort.h" turned out. Having search the file manually in the computer,the VTK does have't that file.
Then I Searched Google,the file to be found in the version 4.0 and 4.2,but I am not sure if they can work in the version 5.04.
So I am very eager to know how I can get a file "vtkInputPort.h" in the version 5.04 or I can use an earlier vresion to in that example.
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