[vtkusers] new version of turn-vtk-errors-into-python-exceptions-and-catch-bad-malloc patch + binaries

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at cpbotha.net
Wed Sep 5 17:05:03 EDT 2007

Dear all,

For those of you (anyone?) using my
turn-vtk-errors-into-python-exceptions-and-catch-bad-mallocs patch
and/or the binaries, I've just killed an extremely obscure bug where
progress events after failed executes would zero python exceptions.
Latest version of the patch is available at [1], latest binaries are
available at [2].

[1] http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/~cpbotha/files/vtk_itk/patches/
[2] http://cpbotha.net/2007/08/02/python-enabled-vtk-51-and-itk-32-windows-binaries/

I am still planning to commit this work Real Soon Now(TM), but first I
would like to chat with anyone about try...except blocks that surround
methods that have been declared without "throws" keywords and thus (I
think this is the reason) generate "unreachable code" warnings. :)  My
patches to vtkWrapPython surround EACH method call with try ... catch
(so I can catch bad_alloc for example), but the compiler warns about
unreachable code everytime.


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