[vtkusers] vtk.jar not buid

Dave C davemania24 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 14 06:08:05 EDT 2007

There is a vtk 5.0.3 jar avaliable in the link below


hope that helps

----- Original Message ----
From: Vihang Patil <vihang_patil at yahoo.com>
To: vtkusers at vtk.org
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:04:29 PM
Subject: [vtkusers] vtk.jar not buid

  I have downloaded VTK source (vtk-5.0.3) and VTK data (vtkdata-5.0.3) and CMAKE (cmake-2.4.7-win32-x86). Now I unzipped the source in c:\VTK and data in C:\VTKDATA. 
  After I run CMAKE I choose the BUILD_EXAMPLES to ON, BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON, VTK_USE_RENDERING and VTK_WRAP_JAVA to ON. After I press configure button everything goes well and I select the OK button. 
Now I have selected the path to build the binaries at C:\VTKBIN, but I dont see any BIN folder. Many folders including a JAVA\VTK folder is created in VTKBIN (C:\VTKBIN\ JAVA\VTK)but in it I see files with extension *.rule.
  How do I proceed from here. I dont seem to make the vtk.jar file
  Please help
P.N: I am using Visual Studio 6
  Vihang Patil
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