[vtkusers] Thread Problem ¿?

Alberto García Consuegra algarcon at gmail.com
Tue May 15 05:39:57 EDT 2007

Hi all, I think I have a "thread problem" in vtk. I suppose it happens in
render method, because I have the following error in  log console: ERROR: In
\tmp\vtkSrc\Rendering\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 238
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (1FE20E98): wglMakeCurrent failed in
MakeCurrent(), error: The specified resource is yet in use. --> "Resource is
in use".

I´m doing an application in java (using vtk 5.0.3), which have one
renderWindow (in a vtkCanvas object) and in it I want to render one volume
data (in a imageData) using three techniques (Volume Rendering, Surface
Rendering and Multiplanar Reconstruction). I have rendered only one
technique at a time, and when I want to change technique I destroy it and
creates a new one.

Volume Rendering and Surface Rendering works well, but the problem is
appears when I decide to use Multiplanar Reconstruction technique using
vtkImagePlaneWidgets to simulate axial, sagital and coronal slices.If I
start rendering with Multiplanar technique as default I don't notice any
error, but when I throgle to Volume or Surfare Rendering techniques and then
I try to render back to Multiplanar, I have these errors, it happens when I
use on() method of vtkImagePlaneWidget, but if I don't show the planes and I
use the assigned keys to show the planes (with SetKeyPressActivationValue)
to enable or disable the widget, this error doesn't appear, only if I call
to the on() method. I am thinking the cause is that I do the call to this
method in another thread, and I don't know how to fix this problem.

Any suggestions or ideas.
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