[vtkusers] VTK Tcl/Tk linear algebra?

Marty Humperdink martyh_camel93 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 19 11:55:20 EDT 2006

Hello. I'm trying to solve a problem of fitting a
circle to a set of about 1000 x,y points. The points
are a little noisy and fall along an arc of a circle
over about 150degrees. This fitting problem is a small
part of a utility that I have been writing in VTK with
Tcl/Tk. The bulk of the project is visualization and
this is just a minor piece.

I have used one method for this circle fitting problem
in Octave/Matlab that relies on solving Ax=B (where A
is a two column list of point data) using Gaussian
Elmination. I'd like to find an easy solution to do
something similar within my VTK Tcl/Tk program. 

I realize that neither VTK nor Tcl/Tk are meant to be
compute engines for this kind of problem but I'm
hoping to find some (reasonably) easy way to handle
this within my existing work (which is based just on
VTK and Tcl/Tk). I have some awareness from web
searches that there are projects to allow Octave calls
from Tcl/Tk but I'd ideally hope to find either a VTK
class or some Tcl code that will allow relatively
efficient (it doens't need to be super fast) matrix
manipulation and linear algebra operations without
having to spend the time to install/learn a new
project or package. 

Can anyone suggestion a resource for handling basic
linear algebra in VTK Tcl/Tk projects? 

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