[vtkusers] Clipped cutplane of a brain volume

Alle Meije Wink alle_meije at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Mar 26 11:34:30 EST 2006


after loads of attempts to show a cut-plane in a 3D brain scan, after
clipping it with an ISO-surface, I'm almost there (thanks to many
suggestions from this list!).

I make a cut plane, and then (using
ctkCutter,vtkStripper,vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter,and vtkFeatureEdges)
a polygon that defines the outer brain contour (see attached code). The
result is pretty neat! http://www.wbic.cam.ac.uk/~amw71/LoopAndPlane.png
shows the cutplane in grey-scales and the contour in red.

One final step that I want to do is clip the cutplane using exactly this
contour and vtkImplicitSelectionLoop. When I try to do this in the code
below (ie, I uncomment line 150 "renWindow AddActor actorSag"), vtk
exits with a segmentation fault.

My guess would that the loop and the plane in some way dont intersect,
or the loop normals cannot be computed. But the documentation of
vtkImplicitSelectionLoop says that by default, these are computed

Does anyone know what final adjustment I need to get this code to work?

Alle Meije Wink

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