[vtkusers] Suggestion request (feat. jpg pic): 2D outline on ImagePlaneWidget from polydata?

Obada Mahdi omahdi at gmx.de
Thu Mar 16 21:34:36 EST 2006

Hi Jonathan!

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, bailleul jonathan wrote:
> My problem is: Can I obtain the intersection of the polydata with an 
> ImagePlaneWidget as a 2D outline?
> [...]
> Playing rough, I could retrieve the plane coordinates and compute, for each 
> polydata triangle, the possible segment intersecting the plane, but:

Maybe the "vtkCutter" class can help you with this.  Specifying the plane
represented by the vtkImagePlaneWidget as cutting function and your
segmentation polydata as input, it will generate line segments for the
intersection.  There is an example script coming with VTK,
which demonstrates using a vtkCutter with vtkPolyData, amongst other
fancy stuff.



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