[vtkusers] surface area of plane

Marc Christian Schöning Marc.Schoening at iem.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Dec 21 02:43:38 EST 2006

Hi guys,

i need a possibility, to compute the surface area of a plane. the plane 
is produced by cutting a plane with an unstructured grid.

vtk.UnstrucuredGrid -> vtkCutter (vtkPlane)

First of all i would like to calculate the cutted surface area. 
Furthermore, i would like to integrate the scalar solution, which is 
also cutted from the unstructured grid.

Any ideas,

Thanks in advance


       ___      ___        ___
      /\__\    /\  \      /\  \      Institut fuer Elektrische Maschinen
     /:/  /   /::\  \    /::\  \     Lehrstuhl fuer
    /:/  /   /:/\:\  \  /:/\:\  \    Elektromagnetische Energiewandlung
   /:/  /   /::\ \:\__\/:/ /::\  \   RWTH Aachen
  /:/  /   /:/\:\_\/__/\/_/:/\:\__\
  \/__/    \:\ \/__/      \/_/:/  /  Schinkelstr. 4, D-52056 Aachen
            \:\  \          /:/  /
             \:\__\        /:/  /    Dipl.-Ing. Marc Christian Schoening
              \/__/        \/__/     (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)

                                     Tel.: +49-241-80-97644
                                     Fax : +49-241-80-92270

                              e-mail: Marc.Schoening at iem.rwth-aachen.de
                              Web   : http://www.iem.rwth-aachen.de

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