[vtkusers] VTK with visual Studio 2005

Amy Squillacote amylists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 09:12:31 EST 2006

Hi Oleg,

For some VTK simple examples that use CMakeLists.txt files, look in the 
VTK/Examples directory. Several of the directories there contain Cxx 
subdirectories with VTK C++ examples (e.g., 

- Amy

Yianis Nikolaou wrote:
> hi oleg,
> I believe the easiest way to use VTK is by creating your projects 
> using CMake, like you did with the VTK source. Creating CMakeList.txt 
> files for your own projects is quite easy, I hope the following 
> example helps:
> PROJECT (your_Project_name)
> #############
> #vtk section
> #############
> INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindVTK.cmake)
> #################################
> #MFC section, if you are using MFC
> #################################
> ADD_EXECUTABLE(your_Project_name WIN32
> #your source files go here
> #your_Project_name.cpp
> #your_Project_name.h
> #etc
> #etc
> )
> TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(your_Project_name
>   vtkRendering
>   vtkGraphics
>   vtkIO
>   vtkFiltering
>   vtkCommon
>   vtkWidgets
> )
> Save the above lines as CMakelist.txt in your directory and modify it 
> according to your needs. You should modify the link libraries section 
> if you want to use other features of VTK, but i think these libraries 
> will cover your initial tests. Then run CMake as you did when you 
> created the VTK project.
> hope this helps,
> yianis
> On 12/4/06, *Oleg Pianykh* <opiany at gmail.com 
> <mailto:opiany at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I downloaded VTK and run CMake 2.4 to build the .sln file for my
>     Visual Studio.
>     Then I was able to compile VTK with Visual Studio, worked fine.
>     Now I'd like to test some sample VTL code, or write mine, BUT
>     1. Which VTK .h files should I include, with which static .lib VTK
>     libraries? I do not see any single VTK include folder or file - do
>     I do this by trial and error?
>     2. As soon as I add something like
>     #include "vtkConeSource.h"
>     to my program, I immediately get an error message from the Visual
>     Studio compiler about
>     #cmakedefine
>     being an illegal preprocessor directive. Did I do something wrong
>     with CMake (I changes a few settings there, following instructions
>     from one VTK posting about CMake that I found online)? If I
>     replace #cmakedefine with #define in vtkConfig.h file, this error
>     message disappears, but i get an avalanche of other errors.
>     What am I doing wrong, and what is the simplest way to run at
>     least one VTK sample source code to get started?
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