[vtkusers] New reader for VTK - vtkMINCImageReader

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Thu Aug 17 18:06:09 EDT 2006

Sean McBride wrote:
> On 2006-08-17 15:51, David Gobbi said:
>> I have just committed a vtkMINCImageReader to VTK cvs.
>> For those who don't know, MINC is a NetCDF-based
>> image format for multi-dimensional image volumes, and
>> MINC files end in ".mnc".
> Very nice!
> Is it based on MINC 1.4 or 2.0?
> Did you collaborate with Leila Baghdadi on this?  Or is this a different
> codebase?

This one is brand new code, based on MINC 1.x, and it cannot read MINC 
2.x files.

It actually uses the netcdf libraries directly rather than using the 
minc libraries.  I didn't really have any desire to convert the minc 
library to CMake, or to try to convince Kitware to incorporate the minc 
library into Utilities.

Since VTK already includes netcdf, it seemed much easier to write a 
reader that uses netcdf directly.

 - David

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