[vtkusers] Problem compiling VTK dylibs on MacOSX 10.4.6

Joseph Hager jhager at arl.army.mil
Wed Apr 26 18:30:37 EDT 2006


	Hopefully somebody can help. I'm trying to build vtk on MacOSX  
10.4.6, but I'm unable to build a dynamic lib for libvtkIOPython,  
libvtkRenderingPython, and libvtkParallelPython.  I didn't notice any  
warnings or errors relating to those libs during the vtk build  
process. I discovered the problem when I went to compile Xdmf. During  
the Xdmf linking phase I get the following:

Linking CXX shared library ../bin/libvtkXdmfPython.dylib
/usr/local/bin/cmake -E remove -f ../bin/libvtkXdmfPython.a ../bin/ 
cd /Users/jhager/Documents/src/ice06.05/build/Xdmf-Darwin/vtk && c++ - 
dynamiclib -L/Users/jhager/Documents/src/ice06.05/build/Darwin/lib  - 
o ../bin/libvtkXdmfPython.dylib -install_name "`cd \`dirname ../bin/ 
libvtkXdmfPython.dylib\`;pwd`/libvtkXdmfPython.dylib" "CMakeFiles/ 
vtkXdmfPython.dir/vtkXdmfReaderPython.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
vtkXdmfPython.dir/vtkXdmfWriterPython.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
vtkXdmfPython.dir/vtkXdmfOpenGLCameraPython.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
vtkXdmfPython.dir/vtkXdmfReader.o" "CMakeFiles/vtkXdmfPython.dir/ 
vtkXdmfWriter.o" "CMakeFiles/vtkXdmfPython.dir/vtkXdmfDataArray.o"  
"CMakeFiles/vtkXdmfPython.dir/vtkXdmfOpenGLCamera.o"  -L/Users/jhager/ 
Documents/src/ice06.05/build/VTK-Darwin/bin -L/Users/jhager/Documents/ 
src/ice06.05/build/Xdmf-Darwin/bin -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lvtkIOPython - 
lvtkRenderingPython -lvtkParallelPython -lXdmf -lvtkParallelPythonD - 
lvtkParallel -lvtkexoIIc -lvtkNetCDF -lvtkRenderingPythonD - 
lvtkRendering -lvtkftgl -framework OpenGL -lvtkfreetype -lGL -lXt - 
lSM -lICE -lSM -lICE -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXext -lX11 -lXext -lX11 - 
lXext -lvtkGraphicsPythonD -lvtkGraphics -lvtkImagingPythonD - 
lvtkImaging -lvtkIOPythonD -lvtkIO -lvtkDICOMParser -lvtkpng - 
lvtktiff -lvtkjpeg -lvtkMPEG2Encode -lvtkFilteringPythonD - 
lvtkFiltering -lvtkCommonPythonD -lvtkCommon -lvtksys -framework  
AppKit -lpthread -lm -framework Python -lvtkhdf5 -lm -lvtkexpat - 
/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lvtkIOPython
/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lvtkIOPython is not an object file (not  
allowed in a library)
/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lvtkRenderingPython
/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lvtkRenderingPython is not an object file  
(not allowed in a library)
/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lvtkParallelPython
/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lvtkParallelPython is not an object file  
(not allowed in a library)
make[2]: *** [bin/libvtkXdmfPython.dylib] Error 1
make[1]: *** [vtk/CMakeFiles/vtkXdmfPython.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

A quick search of the system shows that the three dylibs are not to  
be found anywhere on the system. Has anyone else encountered this  
problem with VTK and OSX? I can post more info, CMakeCache.txt, etc.,  
if necessary.


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