[vtkusers] vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter

bailleul jonathan bailleul at greyc.ensicaen.fr
Tue Oct 25 16:37:51 EDT 2005

Dear Tim,

I've tried your VTK port of powercurst with success, but I noticed that 
the resulting surface was made of polygons.

Could you orient me to a method more suited to triangle generation?

Best regards,

Tim Hutton wrote:
> You'll need to rebuild VTK with the powercrust class included. This
> isn't too hard: just add the .cxx and .h files to the Hybrid
> directory, and add a line saying
> vtkPowerCrustSurfaceReconstruction.cxx to the CMakeLists.txt file that
> is there. Then re-run CMake (with the python bindings) and rebuild
> VTK.
> (Unless things have changed recently, that is.)
> Tim
> On 10/25/05, Rohan Hughes <frostillicusetcetera at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Do you know how I get that to work with python? I am unfamiliar with adding
>>new files to vtk
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Tim Hutton" <tim.hutton at gmail.com>
>>To: "Rohan Hughes" <frostillicusetcetera at hotmail.com>
>>Cc: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:56 AM
>>Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter
>>Hi Rohan
>>Yes, this often happens with vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter, due to
>>its requirement that the surface be densely sampled at all points - it
>>can't cope with open surfaces or with outliers.
>>The standard response is to try the powercrust algorithm instead:
>>vtkPowerCrustSurfaceReconstruction, at:
>>On 10/25/05, Rohan Hughes <frostillicusetcetera at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>I have a set of of points that i wish to construct a surface from.
>>>I firstly just displayed it as a bunch of points (using vtkPolyVertex) and
>>>it looked like it should.
>>>I then tried to use vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter to make a surface. Some
>>>of the surface turns out ok, but the rest seems to flare out into parts
>>>where there are no points. I'm quite confused as to why it does that. I
>>>only really explain this with a picture
>>>I also tried to use vtkDelaunay3D but after fiddleling with the SetAlpha()
>>>and I was able to create a reasonably nice surface. it wasn't as nice as
>>>surfaceReconstructionFilter one, and it joined some points that shouldn't
>>>I am unsure what I should do next. images are attached if they help
>>>it better
>>>Thank you in advance
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> --
> Tim Hutton  -  http://www.sq3.org.uk
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Jonathan BAILLEUL, Doctorant
GREYC Image - Université de Caen / ENSICAEN

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