[vtkusers] Linking to vtkLandmarkTransform with CMake

Trond Valen trondvalen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 08:13:50 EDT 2005


I have a simple question (I hope). I'm a newbie who wants to use
vtkLandmarkTransform in a project, using C++, CMake and MS Visual Stuidio
.NET 7. The thing is I can't find out how to link to it in CMake.

I have built VTK, with the Hybrid package, and made a project for testing.
It consists of Main.cxx and CMakeLists.txt.

Excerpts from Main.cxx:
#include "vtkLandmarkTransform.h"
vtkLandmarkTransform *vtkLMT = vtkLandmarkTransform::New();

CMakeLists.txt is where I define dependencies, like vtkLandmarkTransform:

PROJECT (TestCmake)

INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindVTK.cmake)


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Main vtkRendering vtkLandmarkTransform)

I've also tried to use vtkHybrid in TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES, but it keeps
asking me for vtkHybrid.dll, while with vtkLandmarkTransform it asks for
vtkLandmarkTransform.lib. I can't find either of these files, so there is
probably a better way to do it. Please give me a tip or two :)

Kind regards
Trond Valen

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