[vtkusers] compiling the vtkFLTK examples

Marius S Giurgi rendezvous at dreamxplosion.com
Sun Feb 6 23:54:46 EST 2005

Hi, Sean

Sorry to bother you again, but I feel a bit frustrated that I cannot 
start using your vtkfltk in my vkt projects. As I mentioned last time 
vktfltk errors when installing the included examples, so in the end I 
decided to install the vtkfltk package without the examples. I was 
thinking that later on I could just go to the example directory and run 
cmake and make to compile the individual examples; apparently I was 
wrong; it seems that I need a much better understanding of how cmake 
works (obviously I'm new to CMake). Indeed the code for simple and 
simple2 is very easy, but it's cmake files I'm having trouble with. I 
was wondering if you could give me an example of a simple CMakeList.txt 
that would work fine with a general project that uses your vtkFLTK. Say 
the project consists of just one .cxx file and it's located in some 
directory and I want the executable to be build in the same directory.

(Charl's Cone3 example seems to have a pretty simple CMakeList.txt file 
that also compiles fine)

Btw, when I try to compile your Simple example (cmake .) I get the 
following errors.
Any idea what am I doing wrong here?

Sakura:/Developer/vtkFLTK-0.6.1/Examples/Simple dolphin$ cmake .
-- Check for working C compiler: gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: gcc -- works
-- Check for working CXX compiler: c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: c++ -- works
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: 
Sakura:/Developer/vtkFLTK-0.6.1/Examples/Simple dolphin$ make
Building dependencies. cmake.depends...
Building object file Simple.o...
/Developer/vtkFLTK-0.6.1/Examples/Simple/Simple.cxx: In function `int 
/Developer/vtkFLTK-0.6.1/Examples/Simple/Simple.cxx:56: warning: 
`AddProp' is
    deprecated (declared at /usr/local/include/vtk/vtkViewport.h:53)
Building executable /Developer/vtkFLTK-0.6.1/Examples/Simple/Simple...
ld: Simple.o illegal reference to symbol: 
vtkViewport::AddProp(vtkProp*) defined in indirectly referenced dynamic 
library /Developer/VTK/build/bin/libvtkFiltering.dylib
ld: Simple.o illegal reference to symbol: vtkConeSource::New() defined 
in indirectly referenced dynamic library 
ld: Simple.o illegal reference to symbol: 
vtkDebugLeaksManager::~vtkDebugLeaksManager [in-charge]() defined in 
indirectly referenced dynamic library 
make[1]: *** [/Developer/vtkFLTK-0.6.1/Examples/Simple/Simple] Error 1
make: *** [default_target] Error 2

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