[vtkusers] vtk Static compiling problems

Nacho Larrabide nacho at lncc.br
Fri Sep 10 07:48:37 EDT 2004


  I'm trying to sataticly compile vtk4.2 under Windows XP with Microsoft
  Developer Studio .NET 7. I'm having some trowble to link the library
  staticly. I'm using the standard libraries and the TCL packages. I
  didn't got any proble to build vtk as dll's. Some of the error that
  I get are:

vtkIOTCL error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Building Custom Rule E:/VTK/vtkbin/IO/vtkZLibDataCompressorTcl.cxx"
vtkHybrid fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '\Vtk\vtkbin\Io\Release\vtkIO.lib'

  this last one apears many times, and for diferent libraries:
vtkImagingTCL.lib(vtkOStreamWrapper.obj) : warning LNK4006: "public: class vtkOStreamWrapper & __thiscall vtkOStreamWrapper::operator<<(class vtkSmartPointerBase const &)" (??6vtkOStreamWrapper@@QAEAAV0 at ABVvtkSmartPointerBase@@@Z) already defined in vtkFilteringTCL.lib(vtkOStreamWrapper.obj); second definition ignored

  I think may be my cmake configuration is missing something o may be
  has something that shouldn't be there. Please help.. :D
  Thanks in advance everybody for your help.


Nacho Larrabide
Rua Getulio Vargas 333 - Quitandinha - CEP: 25651-070
Petropolis - RJ - Brasil

Tel: +54 24 2233-6137  - Fax: +54 24 2233-6167

mailto:nacho at lncc.br

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