[vtkusers] Serious leaks in all vtk versions

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu May 20 09:21:36 EDT 2004

Ali - wrote:

> Hi
> I just ran the standard vtk example under Rational PurifyPlu (and this 
> is NOT and advert for this product) and found uncountable error 
> regarding: "freeing mismatched memory".
> Basically the error occures whenever the visualistion pipeline is 
> updated, hence, it is a substantial one.
> Please let me know whether this is going to be debuged in near future or 
> I am wrong.


	Which example are you running ? We are are also running valgrind and 
purify to detect memory leak, and we got rid of them (except timerlog 

	BTW, If you wrote your example make sure you call Delete at the end.


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