AW: [vtkusers] Getting Cutplanes more interactive?

Saeger, Marian Marian.Saeger at
Thu May 6 03:30:28 EDT 2004


I'm using VTK 4.2.3 - the one that shipped with the books.

Would that include your optimizations?!? =|



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jeff Lee [mailto:jeff at] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2004 00:50
An: Saeger, Marian
Cc: vtkusers at
Betreff: Re: [vtkusers] Getting Cutplanes more interactive?

Which version of vtk are you using?  I committed some optimizations for 
unstructured datasets about 10 months ago...

Saeger, Marian wrote:

>I am visualizing an unstructured grid with 5 associated cell data arrays,
>~2.000.000 scalar values each.
>I'm using vtkImplicitPlaneWidget in association with vtkCutter to let the
>user navigate through the data. Unfortunately, the interactive response is
>very bad on a 2.8GhZ CPU. Every time the cutplane needs to be updated,
>is a ~10s delay.
>I was wondering if this is a known performance issue related to
>grids? I guess it takes some time to access the data and interpolate the
>values - but are there any hints how to speed up that process? Especially
>because I want to update the plane on every InteractionEvent, not only on
>vtkPlaneWidget, in opposite to vtkImplicitPlaneWidget, has the opportunity
>to specify grid resolution. To speed up things during interaction one could
>reduce that resolution. I found no option for vtkImplicitPlane to do
>Or may vtkCutter be the bottleneck? What would be more likely to eat up
>calculation time - calculating the cutplane, or probing the cell data
>arrays?!? =|
>Thanks in advance for any useful hints!
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