[vtkusers] Transform Multiple actors with vtkBoxWidget

N.E Mackenzie-Mackay 9nem at qlink.queensu.ca
Tue Mar 30 18:02:27 EST 2004

Is it possible to transform many actors with the transformation 
obtained from a vtkBoxWidget?

Here is my problem:

	I am trying to use a box widget to transform a array of actors.

	from: 	/Examples/GUI/Tcl/TransformWithBoxWidget.tcl I know I can use 
this for multiple actors in tcl
	vtkActor maceActor
	boxWidget AddObserver InteractionEvent TransformActor
	vtkTransform t
	proc TransformActor {} {
	   boxWidget GetTransform t
	   maceActor SetUserTransform t

	The problem is in a similar c++ implementation you implement a second 
class to implement a callback interation:
	(from cone6 example)
	class vtkMyCallback : public vtkCommand
	  static vtkMyCallback *New()
	    { return new vtkMyCallback; }
	  virtual void Execute(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*)
	      vtkTransform *t = vtkTransform::New();
	      vtkBoxWidget *widget = reinterpret_cast<vtkBoxWidget*>(caller);

	This is fine for one actor.  You simply set the 

	What I want to be able to do is to use the transformation above to 
transform an array of actors.  I tried to pass the array in SetProp but 
could not.  I was wondering if anyone had any advice.

	My main goal really is just to find a way to manipulate a set of 
points in a scene all using the same transform.  I am using sphere 
because that is the only way I could figure out how to display a set of 
points x,y,z.   The reason is I am trying to position these points to 
return a good initial transform for ICP.  ( iterative closest point 
transform )

Thank for the help,
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