[vtkusers] Help again

Amy Henderson amy.henderson at kitware.com
Tue Jul 27 08:50:59 EDT 2004

>   vtkStripper *cutStrips=vtkStripper::New();
>   cutStrips->SetInput(Cutter->GetOutput());
>   cutStrips->Update();
>   vtkPolyData *cutPoly=vtkPolyData::New();
>   cutPoly->SetPoints(cutStrips->GetPoints());
>   cutPoly->SetPolys(cutStrips->GetLines());

The problem is that vtkStripper does not have a GetPoints or a GetLines 
method.  Instead, you need to get the points and lines of the output of 


- Amy

>and when I do make the message is
>[22:19:47] XowL> make
>Building dependencies cmake.check_depends...
>-- Loading VTK CMake commands
>-- Loading VTK CMake commands - done
>Building object file Cylinder.o...
>/home/xowl/Examples/Examples/VTK/Clip/Cylinder.cxx: In function `int main()':
>/home/xowl/Examples/Examples/VTK/Clip/Cylinder.cxx:53: error: `GetPoints'
>    undeclared (first use this function)
>/home/xowl/Examples/Examples/VTK/Clip/Cylinder.cxx:53: error: (Each 
>    identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
>/home/xowl/Examples/Examples/VTK/Clip/Cylinder.cxx:54: error: `GetLines'
>    undeclared (first use this function)
>make[1]: *** [Cylinder.o] Error 1
>make: *** [default_target] Error 2
>[22:20:15] XowL>
>I think that the reason is again a missing header so I went to the include
>path and did a grep looking for `GetLines'  and `GetPoints', I've tried all
>the headers that came out and none worked.
>I'll apreciate any help you could bring me in this learning proccess.
>Thanks again
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