[vtkusers] Shear Warp in VTK (with TCL wrapper)

Shastry, Anand C (Research) anand.shastry at ge.com
Wed Jul 21 06:57:59 EDT 2004

Referring to the message posted here previously (enclosed below), when I tried building the shear warp code errors are generated in the TCL wrapper.
When will the working code with TCL wrapper be available ?
I am eagerly awaiting the code to test out shear warp in VTK.



[vtkusers] Shear Warp in VTK
John Biddiscombe john.biddiscombe at mirada-solutions.com  <mailto:vtkusers%40vtk.org?Subject=%5Bvtkusers%5D%20Shear%20Warp%20%20in%20VTK&In-Reply-To=>
Mon May 17 12:24:38 EDT 2004 
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I committed the code for shear warp a month or two ago, it was
originally contributed by Stefan Bruckner, and his code was tweaked and
fixed in several places by Namkug Kim, I did a few more tweaks and
committed it, but I have to say the renderings are disappointing (a bit
wobbly). Stefan sent me a slightly more uptodate version of his code,
but when I tested it, it crashed and I didn't have time to work out why.
I've got his version sitting here somewhere waiting for some time for me
to merge his changes and the tweaks made by Namkug kim.

Unfortunately, the number of warnings generated by the code is so large
that we had to remove it from the daily builds. Also, the TCL (&etc)
wrapping needs some tweaking, and the code needs a lot of work before it
meets the rather "stringent" requirements for full inclusion in vtk.

I'm not going to have time to work on it further for a while, but its on
my todo list.

To get it working, you need to modify your cmakelists files in Rendering
and there are a couple of tests in rendering/testing/tcl which work once
you've got it going.

If you have time to work on it and make it better, please keep me
uptodate as I've got lots of local changes etc and I'd like to help if I
get a spare week or two!


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