[vtkusers] Citing VTK in scientific publications

Hon-Cheng Wong hcwong at must.edu.mo
Thu Feb 19 23:52:25 EST 2004

Dear Konrad,
         I suggest that you cite VTK using homepage of VTK
or "W. Schroeder et al.. The Visualization Toolkit, 3rd Edition. Kitware,
Inc., 2003".
As I found many papers that cite VTK using either one of the above


Hon-Cheng Wong, Hugo
Faculty of Information Technology
Macao University of Science and Technology
Macao, China

----- Original Message -----
From: "Konrad Hinsen" <hinsen at cnrs-orleans.fr>
To: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 2:23 AM
Subject: [vtkusers] Citing VTK in scientific publications

> I need to cite VTK in a scientific publication, but I couldn't find a
> reference on the Web site. The VTK book looks like the obvious choice, but
> the Web site doesn't give the year of publication, which every journal
> insists on.
> What do others do? I could just cite the Web site, but I'd prefer a more
> "classical" citation.
> Konrad.
> --
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