[vtkusers] vtkLookupTable with vtkStructuredPoints or vtkStructuredGrid : How it works ???

REGAT-BARREL Aurélien arbvtk at yahoo.fr
Thu Feb 5 16:40:14 EST 2004

SetColorModeToMapScalars was missing thank you very much. Now it does something. But not really what I hope. Cells wich are near a transparent cell are not fully draw. My object is open and I can see its inside, and it is not so fast. I am disappointed.
Thanks for your help.

HIRAKI Hideaki <hhiraki at lab.nig.ac.jp> wrote:
REGAT-BARREL Aurélien wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am still trying to blank zero-value points in my vtkStrcuturedPoints. I have done it via a vtkThreshold filter but it generate a new DataSet and it is very slow.
> So I have tried to change black points opacity in the lookuptable build by the mapper but it fails.
> Here is the interesting code :
> mapper = vtkDataSetMapper()
> mapper.SetInput( cloud )
> mapper.SetScalarRange( cloud.GetScalarRange() )
> lut = mapper.GetLookupTable()
> lut.Build()
> lut.SetTableValue( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
> It does nothing, why ?

mapper.SetColorModeToMapScalars() seems missing.
If your data is vtkStructuredPoints, volume rendering 
may fit more for your need.


Hideaki Hiraki
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