[vtkusers] LookupTable and ScalarBar

nikhil butala nvbutala at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 4 11:24:12 EDT 2004

Dear VTK users,
                       I am trying to plot (pressure) values from 10^ -7 to 10^ +7 in VTK. But most of the values are centered around 10^ +5.  I want the full range of colors in the scalar bar between 10^+4 and 10^ +6. Is there a way to do this in VTK?? I cannot set range between 10^ +4 and 10^+6, because I want to plot the other values as well.
                      In other words, I want to map particular values(of pressure) to particular colors on the scalar bar. Can I build a lookuptable which can do this??
                     I tried using the log scale. But all it does is it converts the colors into logarthmic fashion keeping the values linear.I would have expected the labels to progress logorithmically over the range so that I can clearly see the colors in the map. Can I get this effect without having to write my own lookup table/scalar bar?

Thanking you,
Nikhil Butala
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