[vtkusers] libvtkCommon.so

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Nov 5 13:09:11 EST 2003

>>>>> "TW" == Thomas Wolfanger <t.wolfanger at tlt.de> writes:

    TW> Hello, I'm using vtk 4.2.1 and python on a debian woody
    TW> (knoppix) system.  The problem occurs when I try to import
    TW> vtk:
    TW> The strange thing about it is: libvtkCommon.so does not exist
    TW> on my system, only libvtkCommon.so.4.2. It is located in
    TW> /usr/lib, so the linker should find it. I noticed that
    TW> normally, all libs have links to <libname>.so, and these seem
    TW> to be created automatically. Why are the corresponding links
    TW> not created for the libvtk*?  Is this the reason for the
    TW> problem I have or am I totally wrong?

I really have no idea why the links are not made on your system but
you might just want to try running ldconfig to see if that fixes the


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