[vtkusers] strange behaviour of vtkBoxWidget

Charl P. Botha c.p.botha at ewi.tudelft.nl
Sun Jun 29 20:39:11 EDT 2003

Dear VTK users,

I have attached a modified TransformWithBoxWidget example: It has 5 
extra lines that implement a transform filter to translate the mace 20 
units on the x-axis.

Note that pressing 'i' to activate the interactor and then rotating the 
vtkBoxWidget causes the mace to fly out of the boxwidget, which is very 
definitely not desired behaviour.

This is similar to the problem described here:
which was never followed up on.

I've looked at the source of vtkBoxWidget but haven't been able to find 
the problem.  Could anyone else with more intimate knowledge of the 
vtkBoxWidget take a look at this?


charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/
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