[vtkusers] Rendering only selected renderers

Hämäläinen Janne Janne.Hamalainen at hus.fi
Thu Jul 17 07:58:29 EDT 2003

	Hi all,

	I've created a rendering window with four renderers on it.
Basically, three of the renderers show 2D medical slices of 3D volume and
the fourth renderer shows 3D rendered volume. I control all the interactions
myself and have created distinct interactions for 2D and 3D. 

	My problem is: when I interact with 2D images and call render(),
also the 3D volume gets the command and slows down the otherwise fast 2D
manipulation. I would like to somehow separate these processes so that if
the 3D volume wasn't updated it would not interfere the 2D manipulation and
screen updating. I've understood that the renderwindow passes the render
command to all renderers, but I haven't figured out how to manipulate this
command line. Also, I don't understand why the 3D image is rendered if it is
not updated, i.e., shouldn't it just stay static and not interfere the
screen updating. I would appreciate if someone could clear my mind.



Janne Hämäläinen
Research Assistant
Helsinki University Central Hospital 
X-ray Department				

email   janne.hamalainen at hus.fi

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