[vtkusers] Re Re: FLTK GUI Building with fluid and vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor

Lucas Peetz Dulley dulley at lsi.usp.br
Sun Jan 19 22:10:22 EST 2003

Charl P. Botha wrote:

>I create a class in Fluid that contains all the visual elements, including
>the containing window and the vtkFLRWI.  In my C++ code, I have another
>class that instantiates the Fluid-created class and controls it.  This way
>is flexible and keeps the UI code and program logic nice and separate.

Thats just what I want to do: keep the UI code separate from the rest of 
the code.

I got the picture about what you said, but I'm not quite shure on how to 
do it.

Do you have some example code?  (a Cone3 like example but using fluid 
the way you said) or something else :)
Could you send it? :)

Charl, once again, Thanks for your help!!!


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