[vtkusers] order of execution

Benjamin King king.benjamin at mh-hannover.de
Thu Aug 7 04:23:35 EDT 2003

Hello Christos,

> the problem is that in my window i have an interactor, so I find it 
> logical that the window does not allow other computations to be executed 
> before it closes (if it closes however the application closes!)

Hmm. The interactor catches the events that happen in the vtkRenderWindow. 
If a particular event makes it necessary to update the image, then the 
interactor will call vtkRenderWindow->Render(). As soon as this method 
returns, the interface should be responsive again.

> is it possible to have more than one vtk window open per application? if 
> yes how this could be done? threads? do you know any examples
> as i did not find any in the vtk documentation

What language are you using? With Tcl/Tk, you should use vtkTkRenderWidget. 

vtkTkRenderWidget .widget1
vtkTkRenderWidget .widget2

This will create two widgets with embedded vtkRenderWindows. There are some 
helper routines to attach Tcl/Tk's event management to the VTK pipeline. To 
access the vtkRenderWindows, you have to do somoething like

set window [.widget1 GetRenderWindow]

Best regards,

Benjamin King
Institut für Medizinische Informatik
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Tel.: +49  511  532-2663

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