[vtkusers] Draw a plane

Chunyan Jiang jiang at TI.FhG.DE
Thu Nov 21 04:10:44 EST 2002

Hi, every one,
I have define a vtkPlane to indicate the position of the vtkClipVolume. At
the same time, I want to draw a plane which has the same position as the cut
plane. I use the vtkPlaneSource, and set the Normal and Origin same as the
cut plane. But the result is not what I want. The plane drawn on the screen
has not same position and normal as the cut plane. And the plane is narrow
and long. How can I control the plane, including position, normal and size?
Thanks in advance


Chunyan Jiang, Dipl.-Inform.,
Institut for Telematic
Bahnhofstrasse 30-32, D-54292 Trier, Germany
Phone: (+49) (0)651-97551-34
Fax: (+49) (0)651-97551-12

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