[vtkusers] vtkScalarColorBar Width

Giancarlo Amati amati at ira.cnr.it
Thu May 30 04:18:48 EDT 2002

Hello everybody,

I have this problem to which I do not found a solution: I build for every 
scalar a color bar with vtkScalarColorBar. (VTK 3.1.2) My problem is that 
the width of the bar depends of the range of the scalar that I'm mapping. 
For example if my scalar ranges between 0.0 and 4.0 my colorbar is very 
thin while if my scalar ranges between 0.5 and 2.5 my colorbar is very 
fat. How can I set a fixed width? Every time I create the bar I call

colorbar SetWidth 0.04

but seems that this does't work properly.

Any suggestion?

Thank a lot.

dott. Giancarlo Amati                  |
(amati at ira.cnr.it)                     |
National Research Council              |
RadioAstronomical Institute            |
office phone n. +39 051 6399405        |
via Gobetti 101 - Bologna (Italy)      |

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