[vtkusers] Plotting Generic F(x,y,z)

Mike Robertson fermion at mac.com
Sat May 4 10:54:36 EDT 2002

Hi! I have no experience using/programming in vtk at this point, but I'd
like to plot a sinusoidal function F(x,y,z) much like the quadratic example
given on the site at http://public.kitware.com/VTK/example-code.php
(see attached example.txt), where the color scale is used to represent the
magnitude of the function.

I have four of these to visualize. I've attached a jpg of one of them.
(ignore the phase angle delta. this would be a constant in separate plots.)
But I have no idea how to plot this using vtk.

Is there no simple script that allows the plotting of generic (i.e. not
specifically quadratic or otherwise) functions of x,y,z using vtk?

Any help would be much appreciated.



Michael Robertson
fermion at mac.com

"By [reason] we gain a multitude of cognitions, which although really
nothing more than elucidations or explanations of that which (though in a
confused manner) was already thought in our conceptions, are, at least in
respect of their form, prized as new introspections; whilst, so far as
regards their matter or content, we have really made no addition to our
conceptions, but only disinvolved them."

-Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Pure Reason

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