[vtkusers] Need for spherical to cartesian nonlinear transformation.

Robert Belleman robbel at science.uva.nl
Fri Mar 22 03:43:21 EST 2002

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 07:38:21AM +0100, Roland Schwarz wrote:
> I did also a quick check on the vtk libs, and found vtkTextureMapToSphere.
> Unfortunately it seems as if the author had choosen the other coordinate
> ordering (but the local system is 2D there) giving a left handed system. But
> I do not know the reasons for this either. There might be some special
> considerations regarding texture mappings-

Could this be the reason why Sidney Cadot was seeing a mirrored image
appear on a textured sphere in this post:?


If it is, it might be a good idea to change the coordinate system in
vtkTextureMapToSphere as well.

-- Rob

[] Robert Belleman         X  Section Computational Science            []
[] robbel at science.uva.nl  |X| University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands []
[] tel: (+31) 20 525 7510  X  http://www.science.uva.nl/~robbel/       []

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