[vtkusers] Help!! Vtk 3D Image questions

Arsene ELLA ella at pet.mpin-koeln.mpg.de
Mon Mar 11 09:50:27 EST 2002

Hi there,

1) Displaying a 3D image slice (from "C:\\......\Data\\headsq\\quarter") in 
a view
port as following :

  vtkImager *imager1;
  imager1 = vtkImager::New();
  imager1->SetViewport(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5);
the slice image appears too small than the view port. How can I do to 
enlarge the
image to fit the view port?

2) How can I associate a color palette to a 3D image and display its slices 
the corresponding color scalar bar?

3) I get the 3D medical image (like a MRI head), how can I represent it as a
     volume, and graphical rendering (3D surface representation) in VTK?

Thanks in advance


Arsene ELLA, PhD
Max-Planck Institut Für Neurogische Forschung
Gleueler str, 50
D-50931 Cologne
Tel:   (+49) 221 478 5713
Mob: (+49) 174 320 7881
Fax:  (+49) 221 478 7256

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