[vtkusers] Need method to associate "string" labels with points/cells

Eric F. Sorton eric at cctcorp.com
Wed Jun 19 12:55:42 EDT 2002

Hi All,

I've been trying to find a way to associate "string" labels with point/cell
data within VTK.  I am able to use vtkLabeledDataMapper in conjunction with
vtkCellCenters to place a number (the VTK Id) in the center of a cell.
However, I am unable to place an arbituary text string there.

For example, one of the example applications provided with VTK is eleState.tcl
(found in Graphics/Testing/Tcl).  I am looking for a technique that would allow
me to place the two letter state abbreviation at the center of each state.

Any help would be appreciated,


+--=--=- Eric F. Sorton <eric at cctcorp.com> =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-+ 
| Command and Control Technologies Corporation (http://www.cctcorp.com) |
|            Phone: (321) 264-1193   Fax: (321) 383-5096                |

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