[vtkusers] problem with vtkPlaneWidget

Frederic Huguet fxh39668 at gsk.com
Mon Jun 3 04:52:57 EDT 2002

hello vtkusers,

I try to understant the tcl example for vtkPlane Widget and I try to use
it with a C++ code.
But I have a problem with the following lines :

# Associate the line widget with the interactor

planeWidget SetInteractor iren

planeWidget AddObserver EnableEvent BeginInteraction

planeWidget AddObserver StartInteractionEvent BeginInteraction

planeWidget AddObserver InteractionEvent ProbeData

So EnableEvent, StartInteractionEvent, InteractionEvant arte vtkCommand
enum values for a public type member. But BeginInteraction and ProbeData
are Undeclared identifires and I don't know what I sould use in C++ to
call AddObserver. What should I use ?


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