[vtkusers] PrintSelf on windows platform

Bill Lorensen wlorens1 at nycap.rr.com
Sun Jan 6 14:16:52 EST 2002

maybe you need to flush the stream.
Try cout << flush;

At 04:05 PM 1/4/02 +0100, Steve Boyd wrote:
>I have in the past been developing on a Solaris platform and often used
>the following 'cout' line to get information about an object (e.g.):
>vtkMarchingCubes *mycubes = vtkMarchingCubes::New();
>   mycubes->Set a bunch of stuff...
>   mycubes->Update();
>   cout << "mycubes is: " << *mycubes << endl;  // outputs information
>about the object to std output.
>This seemed to work fine and gives me lots of information about my
>object (by PrintSelf) in standard output. But, now on the windows
>environment when I try to do this I only get the following in standard
>>> mycubes is: vtkMarchingCubes (
>Is there something I'm doing wrong and have been getting away with on
>the Solaris, but not the Windows environment.  Is this the correct way
>to use the PrintSelf() method?
>Any help would be appreciated!
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