[vtkusers] call for help

cy caiimyj at pub.xaonline.com
Thu Feb 28 07:48:02 EST 2002

Hi, I'm a new user of vtk4.0. 
The binary installation is ok.
I tried install source code on my PC, and did as the Guide's words.
But there are still some problems:
1 In the vtk\Examples folder, I can only see ParallelProcessing folder, no other folders.
2 In the vtk\bin\, TimeRenderer2.exe can work, but before end, it popup an dialog with 
"TimeRenderer2.exe have a error (kernel32.dll) ".

3 I  used cmake filling "what is the source " with  "d:\vtk40\examples\GUI\Win32\SampleMFC", to get a sample.dsw, but the dsw can't work. Why?

4 I built the sample download form www.kitware.com, it can work. The sample.exe can read and show vtk file.
But it can't support interactive operation ,such as mouse-drag, why?
And  How to use the vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor?

5 I compiled the Win32Cone.cxx as the Visualization Toolkit FAQ5.3, but when linking,it showed: "vtkrendering.dll : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file". why?

Wait for answer :)

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