[vtkusers] HELP!! in nmake-ing vtkdll.dll

Terence Lim tlim at mda.ca
Wed Sep 19 19:48:37 EDT 2001


I've encountered two very similar errors when I tried to run nmake in DOS.
The were both type casting errors (error code c2440) which read:

- "cannot convert from 'void *' to 'vtkTimerLog *' " [this error refers to
line 109 of vtkLogTimer.h]

-"cannot convert from 'void *' to 'vktTimerLogEntry *' [this error refers to
line 85 of vtkLogTimer.cxx]

I have not touched any of the code and so I have no idea as to why this is

Can anyone please help?


Terence Lim

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