[vtkusers] Scalars (double vs float).

Simon Bulman S.D.Bulman at swansea.ac.uk
Fri May 4 06:33:21 EDT 2001

Hi All,

>From the documentation I see that vtkScalars etc. allow you to use a certain datatype i.e.
float, double. However looking at other classes, (vtkContourFilter for example) the the data type
to set ranges etc are always floats. Is it the intention of vtk to eventually enable these to be
datatype dependent? Is this already done but not documented.?

What do other people do when they have data that need double precision? I ask because I seem
to be having problems creating iso surfaces with my data and the only thing that can explain this
seems to be data truncation etc

Any thoughts??


Senior Research Officer.
University of Wales Swansea.

S.D.Bulman at swansea.ac.uk

(W) +44 (0)1792 513179
(H)  +44 (0)1792 511144

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