SV: [vtkusers] Transformation of imported objects

johan.winell at johan.winell at
Wed Jul 4 01:59:10 EDT 2001

Hello again Prabhu,

can you plese send me a code example of how you traverse the renders of the
renderwindow and how you find the new actor.

Best Regards

/Johan Winell 



>>>>> "JW" == johan winell <johan.winell at> writes:

    JW> Hello Prabhu, I am not sure I understand what you mean.

    JW> How can I get hold of the actors created by the importer.

That is a good question.  If you just want to rotate/zoom the model in
a viewer using a RenderWindow and an interactor as done in the
flamingo example then you can zoom/scale by moving around the camera.
Obtaining the actors is a little work but defintely possible.

What I do is the following:

 (1) before I import the 3DS file I traverse through the renderers of
 the renderwindow and get all the actors from each renderer.  

 (2) Import the 3DS file.

 (3) Again do step 1.  Find the difference in the set of actors
 between what you do now and did in step 1 and whats left gives you
 the actors imported by the 3DS importer.

It works and I use this for importing VRML and 3DS files in MayaVi --

The 3DS stuff is implemented only in the CVS tree but the VRML
importer works for the standard download.



Hello Prabhu, 

I am not sure I understand what you mean.

How can I get hold of the actors created by the importer.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Prabhu Ramachandran [mailto:prabhu at]
Skickat: den 3 juli 2001 16:01
Till: johan.winell at; VTK users list
Ämne: [vtkusers] Transformation of imported objects


>>>>> "JW" == johan winell <johan.winell at> writes:

    JW> Hello Everyone, I'am a fairly new user of VTK and I have a
    JW> question about transformations in 3D-space of imported models
    JW> (3DS).

    JW> How can i transform, (translate, rotate and scale), an
    JW> imported 3DS objekt in VTK. Is it impossible, since the object
    JW> is attached to the renderwindow?

It is definitely possible.  Look at
graphics/examplesPython/ or graphics/examplesTcl/flamingo.tcl

The vtk3DSImporter creates a bunch of actors and then you can do whatever
you want with the actors.



Från: johan.winell at
[mailto:johan.winell at]
Skickat: den 3 juli 2001 11:01
Till: vtkusers at
Ämne: [vtkusers] Transformation of imported objects

Hello Everyone, 

I'am a fairly new user of VTK and I have a question about transformations in
3D-space of imported models (3DS).

How can i transform, (translate, rotate and scale), an imported 3DS objekt
in VTK. Is it impossible, since the object is attached to the renderwindow?

Thanks in advance (need a quick answer if possible).

/Johan Winell

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