[vtkusers] Re: Wither vtkImageReslice

Kitware Support support at kitware.com
Wed Apr 25 10:26:55 EDT 2001

Hello Audrius,

It looks like just a few methods are being depricated -

   // Description:
   // These methods will be removed in a future version of VTK.  Do not
   // use them.
   void SetOutputAlwaysCenteredOnInput(int yesno) {
     vtkWarningMacro("method will be eliminated in a future version of VTK");
     if (this->OutputAlwaysCenteredOnInput == yesno) { return; }
     this->OutputAlwaysCenteredOnInput = yesno; this->Modified(); };
   vtkGetMacro(OutputAlwaysCenteredOnInput, int);
   vtkBooleanMacro(OutputAlwaysCenteredOnInput, int);


Lisa S. Avila
Kitware, Inc.

At 10:07 AM 4/25/2001, Audrius Stundzia wrote:
>Dear Vtk Support,
>While running the latest nightly release I received a vtk message
>message warning that D. Gobbi's useful vtkImageReslice, the K-Tel wonder 
>tool (It reslices! It redices!) of vtk, is going to be removed from future 
>My questions are
>o Why?
>o What is going to replace it?
>Enquiring minds would like to know. Thanks.
>Audrius Stundzia
>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 
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