[vtkusers] reading datasets.

Dave Semeraro semeraro at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 5 17:00:54 EDT 2001

Here is a simple question for you. I have an application for visualizing 
structured points.
I enter a file name and the structured points reader reads the file and I 
merrily examine my
data. Now if I change the file name to read a file that is larger than the 
one I am reading I
get some error messages about the "Update extent does not lie within whole 
extent". I can
still examine the data in the new data set. The application seems to 
recover from what ever
sin I have committed. However, it appears that I am doing something 
fundamentally wrong
and I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions. Should I destroy 
the pipeline
downstream of the reader and recreate it every time I enter a new file 
name? That doesnt sound
quite right to me.

Best Regards
Dave Semeraro

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