How to slice through a data volume and a UnstructuregGrid

Fabrice Vincent fabrice.vincent at
Tue Mar 28 11:39:00 EST 2000


I want to visualize slice by slice my data volume (Magnetic Resonance
stack of slices)  and at the same time, see in the image plane the
polygons resulting from the intersection of this plane with an
unstructuredGrid  (to check for example if the unstructuredGrid fits to
some specific object in the data).

I know how to view slice by slice some data with a  vtkImageReader and
a vtkImageRenderer.
I know how to cut an unstructedGrid with, for example, a vtkCutter.

My question is : how can  I draw the output of the vtkCutter in the
vtkImageRenderer ?
( And if it is not possible, is there another way to do the wole thing?)

Thank you


CREATIS (CNRS UMR 5515), INSA 502, 69621 Villeurbanne, FRANCE
email: fabrice.vincent at
tel: 04 72 43 83 83 poste 53 59

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