TclError: couldn't load file "vtkTkImageWindowWidget": invalid argument

David Gobbi dgobbi at
Mon Jan 24 13:34:01 EST 2000

Hi Heather,

The python vtkTkRenderWidget.dll and vtkTkImageWindowWidget.dll are
not built under Windows (yet) - you have to build them yourself.  
I'll attach the instructions below.

These instructions do not work with the nightly releases because
they build VTK with tcl/tk 8.2 (Python is only compatible with 8.0).
There is a way around this -- you can copy vtk/pcmaker/xlib from
vtk2.4 and force VTK to build with tcl/tk 8.0.


Assuming you have installed VTK in C:\vtk, open a DOS shell and cd to
C:\vtkbin\vtkpython.  Then do the following (should put this in a .bat file):

cl.exe /D "STRICT" /nologo /MD /O2 /I "C:\Progra~1\DevStudio\VC\\include"
/I "C:\vtk\common" /I "C:\vtk\graphics" /I "C:\vtk\imaging" /D "NDEBUG" /D
"WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS"  /I "C:\vtk\pcmaker\xlib" /I "\..\generic" /D
"VTK_USE_PATENTED" /I "C:\vtk\patented"  /D "VTK_USE_CONTRIB" /I
"C:\vtk\contrib"  /D "VTK_USE_LOCAL" /I "C:\vtk\local"  /D "_WINDLL" /D

link.exe obj\vtkTkRenderWidget.obj /dll /incremental:no
/pdb:vtktkrenderwidget.pdb /machine:I386 /out:..\lib\vtkTkRenderWidget.dll
"C:\Progra~1\DevStudio\VC\lib\user32.lib" /nologo /version:1.3
/subsystem:windows "C:\PROGRA~1\Tcl\lib\tk80.lib"
"C:\PROGRA~1\Tcl\lib\tcl80.lib" ..\vtkdll\vtkdll.lib

 - David

  David Gobbi, MSc                    dgobbi at
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Heather Drury wrote:

> Hi,
> We have an application that runs fine under UNIX and are
> trying to port to NT. I'm pretty unfamiliar with PC's (and
> proud of it) and we are encountering the following problem:
>   File "", line 42, in __init__
> TclError: couldn't load file "vtkTkImageWindowWidget": invalid argument
> Under UNIX, in the VTK release I'm using (2.40, build 268), the
> file "vtkTkImageWindowWidget" gets seperately compiled from 
> "" file. What is the analagous file on the PC?
> Should this reference exist in the DLL on the PC?
> Help please.
> Heather 
> Heather Drury                               	heather at 
> Senior Research Scientist in Neurobiology
> Washington University School of Medicine	
> Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology         	Phone: 314-362-4325
> 660 S. Euclid, MS 8108                       	FAX: 314-747-4370
> St. Louis, MO 63110-1093
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