Polygonizing a surface

Dmitry Brodsky dima at cs.ubc.ca
Tue Feb 29 12:57:24 EST 2000


I have just started using VTK and I was wondering if the following is
possible.  Given a point cloud, triangulate it and form a polygonal surface.
I need to do this for some 3D model aquisition.

For test purposes I have been using the vertex sets for existing models and
feeding them into vtk as an unstructured grid where each vertex represents
a cell.  From there I have tried using the following pipelines:



vtkUnstructuredGrid->vtkGaussianSplatter->vtkContourFilter->vtkPolygon ...


vtkUnstructuredGrid->vtkImplicitModeler->vtkContourFilter->vtkPolygon ...

>From the online manpages and intuitively it seems that vtkVoxelModeler should
work the best but it doesn't.  vtkImplicitModeler produces very coarse models
and vtkGaussianSplatter works the best but produces very chubby models, as
it should.

What would be the best approach to this problem, is it doable in vtk?


Dima Brodsky                                   dima at cs.ubc.ca
201-2366 Main Mall                             (604) 822-6179 (Office)
Department of Computer Science                 (604) 822-2895 (DSG Lab)
University of British Columbia, Canada         (604) 822-5485 (FAX)

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