new vtkActorToPF

Paul John Rajlich prajlich at
Tue Feb 22 15:46:25 EST 2000

Hi vtkusers,
for those of you that are interested in computing geometry with VTK
but rendering with SGI's Performer, a new version of vtkActorToPF is
available. vtkActorToPF allows you to develop interactive visualization
applications for multi-headed displays like the CAVE very easily.
New for Version 6.0: 
  1. Merges regular and parallel versions of vtkActorToPFTranslator into
     one release. 
  2. Many more examples. There are now 6 pfCAVE examples, 6 regular
     Performer examples, and the two versions of the parallel example. 
  3. Better error checking. For instance, if there are no normals,
     lighting will automatically be turned off for the geode. 
  4. Code for compiling a Performer vtk loader DSO. This DSO can be used
     in conjunction with "perfly." It allows you to load static geometry
     from any vtkPolyData file. 
              Paul J. Rajlich - prajlich at
               Visualization and Virtual Environments
           National Center for Supercomputing Applications
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