[vtkusers] a sinple question about vtkMarchingcubes

Charl P. Botha c.p.botha at its.tudelft.nl
Wed Dec 6 11:26:32 EST 2000

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 08:45:42AM +0000, Goodwin Lawlor wrote:
> I could be wrong but...  if its a segmented volume and the values 100 and
> 200 arbitrarily denote different objects, is it not better to threshold to a
> binary B&W volume (values of 0 and 255) for each "tissue mask" and then use
> a Marching Cubes value of 127.5 ? Mcubes uses the Value and linear

That would yield one surface somehow separating the two objects, and
depending on the nature of the segmentation this could even yield a
non-manifold geometry.

I think the idea of the original author was to have a surface rendering of
each object, therefore two independent surfaces/models generated by using
two different iso-values.  Alternatively, but effectively the same, would be
to separate out first the one and then the other object (by making use of
the thresholder) and iso-surface them separately (i.e. same iso-value,
different data).

charl p. botha      | computer graphics and cad/cam 
http://cpbotha.net/ | http://www.cg.its.tudelft.nl/

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