fill vtkImageData with user data

John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at
Wed Nov 17 05:59:32 EST 1999

Try this...

vtkImageData *outData = get imagedata pointer here

vtkScalars *Newscalars = vtkScalars::New(VTK_FLOAT,1); // or similar
VTK_CHAR,3 for RGB etc etc
outData->SetSpacing(3.6,3.6,1); or similar
// always use 1 for unused 3rd axes, vtk dies if you don't
outData->SetDimensions(512,512,1); or similar
outData->SetOrigin(0,0,0); or similar


for (int i=0; i<512; i++) {
  for (int j=0; j<512; j++) {
    Newscalars->SetScalar(i*512+j, your number);

of course it'd be better to get pointer to array and write data without
using SetScalar(...) but most of the time, its hardly matters.

Now do


voila, data.

Hope this helps

John B

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